May 25. Story of the Day: Judgment of Baboon

Today's story comes from South-African Folk-Tales by James A. Honey. It is the first African story I have included in the project (so far).

Honey's source in turn was Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek's Reynard the Fox in South Africa Or Hottentot Fables and Tales: Chiefly Translated from Original Manuscripts in the Library of His Excellency Sir George Grey, as published in 1864. As a result of this line of transmission, the story is not especially well told, but it is still recognizably the familiar chain that travels so readily from one tradition to another (although with elephants and ants this time). One thing that is not clear to me if "Itkler" is some kind of animal reference or a human being. If anyone has some knowledge of Afrikaans and/or Khoekhoe that might help, please let me know!

This is another example of ATU 2030 The old woman and her pig. The story has some distinctive features, as it takes the form of a trial, and it is also an aetiological tale, a story about the "origin" of things. Before the judgment of baboon, these animals got along just fine: mouse and cat, cat and dog, even water and fire, and so on, but after this story, things were not the same. Even the judge is implicated; according to the storyteller, baboon acted foolishly, and that meant a change in his nature as well.

I have updated the thee/thou's to you for easier reading and, as often, the source does not report the full chain with all the repetition, so I have filled that in.

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One day, it is said, the following story happened:

Mouse had torn the clothes of Itkler (the tailor), who then went to Baboon and accused Mouse with these words, "In this manner I come to you: Mouse has torn my clothes, but will not know anything of it and accuses Cat. Cat protests likewise her innocence, and says Dog must have done it. But Dog denies it also, and declares Wood has done it. And Wood throws the blame on Fire, and says Fire did it. Fire says, 'I have not; Water did it.'  Water says Elephant tore the clothes. And Elephant says Ant tore them. Thus a dispute has arisen among them. Therefore, I, Itkler, come to you with this proposition: Assemble the people and try them in order that I may get satisfaction."

Thus he spoke, and Baboon assembled them for trial. Then they made the same excuses which had been mentioned by Itkler, each one putting the blame upon the other. Baboon did not see any other way of punishing them, save through making them punish each other.

He therefore said, "Mouse, give Itkler satisfaction." Mouse, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Cat, bite Mouse." Mouse did so.

Then he said, "Cat, give Itkler satisfaction." Cat, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Dog, bite Cat." Dog did so.

Then he said, "Dog, give Itkler satisfaction." Dog, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Wood, beat Dog." Wood did so.

Then he said, "Wood, give Itkler satisfaction." Wood, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Fire, burn Wood." Fire did so.

Then he said, "Fire, give Itkler satisfaction." Fire, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Water, quench Fire." Water did so.

Then he said, "Water, give Itkler satisfaction." Water, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Elephant, drink Water." Elephant did so.

Then he said, "Elephant, give Itkler satisfaction." Elephant, however, pleaded not guilty.  So Baboon said, "Ant, bite Elephant." Ant did so.

They all did what Baboon said, and since that day they cannot any longer agree with each other: Ant enters into Elephant's most tender parts and bites him. Elephant swallows Water. Water quenches Fire. Fire consumes Wood. Wood beats Dog. Dog bites Cat. And Cat bites Mouse.

Through this judgment Itkler got satisfaction, and addressed Baboon in the following manner, "Yes! Now I am content, since I have received satisfaction, and with all my heart I thank you, Baboon, because you have exercised justice on my behalf and given me redress."

Then Baboon said, "From today I will not any longer be called Jan, but Baboon shall be my name."

Since that time Baboon walks on all fours, having probably lost the privilege of walking erect through this foolish judgment.

CHAIN: mouse - cat - dog - wood - fire - water - elephant - ant

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