McCloskey. What shall we have?

From The McCloskey Primer by Margaret Orvis McCloskey, with illustrations by Charles Copeland. This is an English translation of a French song.

Since this is just a recitation of items without a reversal at the end, I think that means this would be classified as TMI Z44 The house that Jack built = ATU 2035.


We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a fine big donkey,
For our wee old man to ride on,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a little cock,
That shall eat the little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a little fox,
That shall eat the little cock,
That shall eat the little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a clever dog,
That shall kill the little fox,
That shall eat the little cock,
That shall eat the little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a little stick,
That shall beat the little dog,
That shall kill the little fox,
That shall eat the little cock,
That shall eat the little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have an oven wide,
That shall burn the little stick,
That shall beat the little dog,
That shall kill the little fox,
That shall eat the little cock,
That shall eat the little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

We will have — what shall we have?
We will have a river swift,
That shall quench the oven's fire,
That shall burn the little stick,
That shall beat the little dog,
That shall kill the little fox,
That shall eat the little cock,
That shall eat the little wasp,
That shall sting the fine big donkey,
That shall throw the wee old man,
Who shall keep our little garden,
Where the roses gayly grow.

~   ~   ~

The English is from Garnett's Greek Poesy,  and from the reference there I have transcribed the Greek from Passow's Carmina Popularia.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα γέροντα,
Νὰ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα γαίδαρον,
Νὰ καβαλκεύ' ὁ γέρος,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα τάβανον,
Νὰ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Νὰ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα πετεινὸν,
Νἄτρωγε τὸν τάβανον,
Ποῦ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Ποῦ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕναν ἄλπαρον
Νἄτρωγε τὸν πετεινὸν,
Ποὔφαγε τὸν τάβανον,
Ποῦ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Ποῦ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα σκύλον,
Νἄτρωγε τὸν ἄλπαρον
Κι ὁ ἄλπαρος τὸν πετεινὸν
Κι ὁ πετεινὸς τὸν τάβανον,
Ποῦ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Ποῦ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα ξύλον,
Νὰ δέρμανε τὸν σκύλον,
Ποὔφαγε τὸν ἄλπαρον
Κι ὁ ἄλπαρος τὸν πετεινὸν
Κι ὁ πετεινὸς τὸν τάβανον,
Ποῦ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Ποῦ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα φοῦρνο,
Νὰ καίγαμε τὸ ξύλον,
Ποὔδειρε τὸν σκύλον,
Ποὔφαγε τὸν ἄλπαρον
Κι ὁ ἄλπαρος τὸν πετεινὸν
Κι ὁ πετεινὸς τὸν τάβανον,
Ποῦ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Ποῦ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

Νἄχαμε, τί νἄχαμε;
Νἄχαμ' ἕνα ποταμὸν,
Νἄσβενε τὸν φοῦρνο,
Ποὔκαψε τὸ ξύλον,
Ποὔδειρε τὸν σκύλον,
Ποὔφαγε τὸν ἄλπαρον
Κι ὁ ἄλπαρος τὸν πετεινὸν
Κι ὁ πετεινὸς τὸν τάβανον,
Ποῦ τσίμβησε τὸν γαίδαρον,
Ποῦ κρήμνισε τὸν γέροντα,
Ποῦ μᾶς φυλάῃ τὸν κῆπον
Μὲ τὰ τριαντὰφυλλα.

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