ATU 2035. The House that Jack Built

At this site:
Lang. This is the house that Jack built
McCloskey. The Cock that Crowed in the Morn
McCloskey. What shall we have?
Blow. The Bowl of Milk
(more to come!)

Z44 [ATU 2035] The house that Jack built. Final formula: this is the farmer that sowed the corn that fed the cock that crowed in the morn, that waked the priest all shaven and shorn, that married the man all tattered and torn, that kissed the maiden all forlorn, that milked the cow with a crumpled horn, that tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that caught the rat, that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.

additional information:

Wikipedia: This Is the House That Jack Built

Ashliman: The House That Jack Built 2035 [includes notes]

Africa: Fang: Nassau 245 ff. No. 11 [Chain of Circumstances online]
Africa: Zulu: Callaway 38 [part of longer story online]

Z44.1 The house the old man was to build. The woman for which he is to build the house has some beans for him. The goat eats these up. Cumulative search. Final formula: Smith give me my iron, iron which belongs to the man, man who ate up my fish, fish which belong to the sea . .  sea shirt washerwoman soap woman wood press grease herder cheeseframe figtree horn goat beans.

Parsons [online at Hathi / original]
JAFL XXXIII (1920) 40-43 No. 3,
Memoirs = MAFLS XV (1) 207 n. 1.

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