Crooke-Chaube. Folktales from Northern India

Title: Folktales from Northern India
Author: William Crooke and Pandir Ram Gharib Chaube
Editor: Sadhana Naithani
Year: 1892-1896, 1924-1926, 2006

The materials from North Indian Notes and Queries are in the public domain (1-252) but the stories from the Indian Antiquary (1-111) remain under copyright. I have provided paraphrases and/or descriptions of the stories that remain under copyright.

North Indian Notes and Queries 

4. How the Needle succeeded in killing the Tiger (link)
23. The Crow and the Sparrow (link)
63. The Man who fought with God (link)
66. The Merchant, the Princess, and the Grateful Animals (link)
77. The White Witch (link)
78. The Lament for Sobhan (link)
80. The Parrot and the Maina
89. The Valiant Weaver-Bird
91. The Wit of the Four Brothers (link)
104. The Sparrow and the Shell (link)
108. What's in a name? (link)
133. The Foolish Ahir (link)
143. The Wise Raja of Harbangpur (link)
145. The Tale of the Four Foolish Pandits (link)
148. The tale of the four drunkards (link)
159. The Brahman and the Sadhu (link)
208. How to please everybody (link)
219. The Old Woman and the Crow

Indian Antiquary 

26. The Age of Man (link)
29. The Dream of the Sadhu (link)
38. How the Pandit was taught to lie (link)
54. The Fruits of Covetousness 
59. The Sadhu and the Rat (link)
67. The Three Wishes (link)
81. How Akbar Became Emperor 
109. The Fruit of Immortality 

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