ATU 20C-D. Animals Flee - The Animals on a Pilgrimage

At this site:
Cowell-Francis-Neil. The Flight of the Animals (India)
Jacobs. Henny-Penny (England)
Edwards. The Sky is Falling (Antigua)
Schiefner. The Flight of the Beasts (Tibet)
The Fox's Pilgrimage to Mecca
Crane. Cock that Wished to Become Pope
(more to come!)

This is a big change: originally the Z-series in Thompson would have made this a 2000-series in the ATU (it was 2033 in the old Aarne-Thompson catalog), but instead in the ATU it is now 20C. Because 20A and 20D are also of interest, I have listed them here also. (There is no 20B.)

also: B296 (animals on a journey), K1024 (eliminate one by one)
J1812 (frightened by noise)
B296.1 (rooster on pilgrimage to Rome)

20A Animals Caught in a Pit Eat One Another Up. A number of animals (fox, wolf, bear, hog, rooster, hen, goat, cat, nare, mouse) go on a journey (a pilgrimage) together to seek their fortunes. They try to jump over a pit but all into it instead. When they grow hungry, the fox proposes that they eat the one amongst them with the ugliest name (who can sing highest or loudest, who can howl the longest, who is the youngest or smallest). Thus all the animals are eaten one after another until only two (fox and wolf) remain or only the fox is left.

20C. Animals Flea in Fear of the End of the World. A chicken (cat, mouse) is frightened by a nut (acorn, leaf) that falls on its head (tail) or another animal is frightened by a noise (a fart). The chicken thinks this is a sign of an approaching war (the end of the world, the sky is falling down), and flees in panic together with the rooster (they go to tell the king about the disaster). They meet other animals (e.g. goose, hare, dog, bear, wolf, fox) who come to share their fear and go along with them. The misunderstanding is cleared up, or the animals fall into a pit. In some variants they arrive at the fox's den. The fox invites them inside and eats them.

20D. Pilgrimage of the Animals. A rooster wants to go to Rome in order to become pope. his wife accompanies him, along with more and more other animals. They meet the fox, who invites them to rest in his den. He asks them to sing, and eats them one by one afterwards. Often the fox pretends to go on a pilgrimage (to a convent). Other animals (chicken, duck, goose, magpie, sparrow) go along with him. The fox asks to hear their confessions or accuses them of sings which are characteristic of the different kinds of animals. Then the fox eats them as a punishment. In some variants the fox tells the rooster (partridge, lark) that he has become religious and repents his past actions, or he dresses as a nun. Then he reproaches the rooster with his sons (his polygamy) and offers to hear his confession. When the rooster comes near, the fox catches him and gobbles him up. Or the rooster escapes by a ruse.

additional information:

Wikipedia: Henny Penny
Ashliman: End of the World / Sky Is Falling 20C / 2033
Cock and Hen that Went to the Dovrefell. Asbjornsen and Moe, East o' the Sun (Dasent at Baldwin)
Africa: Kidd Savage childhood (1906) 240 No. 9 [online at Hathi]
African-American: (Georgia) Harris Nights 108. No. 20 [online at Hathi]

0020 Eat the Smallest First:
Booss Scandinavian: End of the World + Little Chicken Kluk
Lion in the Well. Abrahams, Afro-American
Six hungry beasts: Lang Crimson (Finnish)
0020A Animals in a Pit
Beasts in a Pit: Afanasyev
0020D Cock as Pope
Nun Vixen. Megas, Folktales of Greece
Plop (Tibet) - Clarkson and Cross / World

End of the World / Sky Is Falling 20C / 2033
The Story of Chicken-Licken (England, James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps).
Henny-Penny and Her Fellow Travelers (Scotland, Robert Chambers).
The End of the World (Ireland).
The Cock and the Hen That Went to Dovrefjell (Norway, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe).
The Little Chicken Kluk and His Companions (Denmark, Benjamin Thorpe).
The End of the World (Flanders, Jean de Bosschère).
Brother Rabbit Takes Some Exercise (African-American, Joel Chandler Harris).

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