ATU 2014. Chains Involving Contraditions or Extremes

At this site:
Baughman. That's Tough
Jacobs. News!
Martin. That's good. No, that's bad.

Z51.1 [ATU 2014]. Chains involving contradictions or extremes. The house is burned down. That is too bad. That is not bad at all, my wife burned it down. That is good. That is not good, etc.

ATU 2014. This miscellaneous type comprised of various chain tales that feature contradictions or extremes. The following are the most common variants:
1. A man who has recently been married meets a friend (neighbor, stranger) who tells him what has happened at home while he was absent. The friend makes the events sound positive, but as the married man asks for more information, the situation turns out to be disasterous. During their conversation they exchange other news. For example, one says that a goat (hog) ate a giant cabbage and became fat enough to be slaughtered. Questions and answers follow, with comments like, "That's good" - "No, not so good" - "That's bad" - "No, not so bad." One tells the other his house burned down. "That's too bad," answers the other, but the first man says, "No, it's not so bad, because my wife died in the fire."
2. Two godparents (strangers) discuss a coin (saw, pea) which one of them has found (lost). The conversation conveys alternating incidents or commentary. At the end, one tells the other that he killed a wolf which had eaten a wild boar. The other says, "That's good." The first replies, "Yes, it is good, but not very good, because the squire claimed its skin."

additional information:

Baughman 2014A (was 2014). The House Is Burned Down.
MISSOURI: Randolph Turtle 72-73 1957

Nouvelles Recreations No. 75 (online at Hathi; French only)
De Janin, nouvellement marié. Janin s'estoit marié la sienne fois, et avoit pris une femme qui jouoit des manequins, laquelle ne s'en cachoit point pour luy, ne voulant point faire de tort au beau nom de son mary. Quelque jour un des voisins de Janin luy faisoit des demandes, et luy faisoit les responses, en forme d'une assez plaisante farce.
   Or ça, Janin, vous estes marié?
Et Janin respondit: O voire!
   Cela est bon, disoit l'autre.
Pas trop bon pourtant, disoit Janin.
   Et pourquoy?
Elle ha trop mauvaise teste.
   Cela est mauvais.
Pas trop mauvais pourtant.
   Et pourquoy?
Et pourquoy? C'est une des belles de nostre parroisse.
   Cela est bon.
Pas trop bon aussi.
   Et pourquoy?
II y a un monsieur qui la vient veoir à toute heure.
   Cela est mauvais.
Pas trop mauvais pourtant.
   Et pourquoy?
II me donne tousjours quelque chose.
   Cela est bon.
Pas trop bon aussi.
   Et pourquoy?
II m'envoye tousjours deçà, delà.
   Cela est mauvais.
Pas trop mauvais pourtant.
   Et pourquoy?
II me baille de l'argent, dequoy je fais grand chere par les chemins.
   Cela est bon.
Pas trop bon aussi.
   Et pourquoy?
Je suis à la pluye et au vent.
   Cela est mauvais.
Pas trop mauvais pourtant.
   Et pourquoy?
Je y suis tout accoustumé.
Achevez le demeurant si voulez, ceste cy est à l'usage d'estrivieres.

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