ATU 2021B. The Rooster Strikes Out the Hen's Eye

At this site:
Afanasjev. Rooster and Hen

Z43.2 The cock strikes out the hen's eye with a nut. The cock blames the hazel bush for tearing its knickers, the hazel bush the goat for gnawing at it, the goat the shepherd-boy for not tending it, the boy his mistress for not baking him a bun, the mistress the pig for eating up the dough, the pig the wolf for killing its young.

ATU 2021B: A rooster throws a nut that strikes out the hen's eye. He blames the hazelnut bush, because it tore his pants. The bush blames the goat for eating its leaves. The goat blames the herdsman who did not give him good pasture; the herdsman blames his master for not giving him enough to eat, etc.

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