ATU 1430 Air Castles

At this site:
Bompas. The Daydreamer
Jacobs. The Broken Pot
Parker. The Kitul Seeds
Parker. The Pots of Oil
Pantulu. Castle-Building
Swynnerton. Vessel of Butter
Stokes. Jar of Ghee
Upreti. Eating the Sweetmeats of Fancy
Fleeson. A Lazy Man’s Plot
Dracott. Sheikh Chilli
Lady Burton. The Barber's Tale of his Fifth Brother
(more to come!)

ATU 1430 Air Castles. Three different forms:
1. A poor unmarried couple (father and son, two brothers, herdsmen, maidservants, other people) plan to turn their possessions (glassware, milk, honey, eggs, money) into great wealth (herds of animals, houses). As they imagine this wealth, they destroy what they already have.
2. A person (poor man, hunter, Gypsy, married couple) dreams of having a valuable possession (catch from hunting, etc.), which he then tries to obtain. His efforts fail because he imagines his success (e.g. the hunter is so excited that he frightens his prey).
3. A married couple (other people) imagine that they will obtain the means to achieve future wealth, but they disagree abotu how to manage it. One wants to keep reinvesting the future profits, while the other wants to enjoy part of the wealth.

J2060, J2061,
Bannu: Thorburn 207 (link: sheep in hedge)
Dames Folk-Lore III. 527 (Baluchistan)
Taylor Folk-Lore VI 403 (link: Sheik Chilli)
Telugu: Pantulu Ind. Antiquities 112 #22
O'Connor Indo-Tibetan 6 (tiger and man: 1-2-3)
Lewison JRAS Beng. V. 394: toad having money daydreams
Swynnerton Raja Rasalu 163 (link): silly mourners in advance

additional information:
Ashliman: Air Castles

from ATU: Indian origin, see Hitopadesha (4.7) and Kalila wa Dimna (60). Known in Europe since Middle Ages: de Vitry Sermones (Crane edition 51).
additional bibliography (I have listed only what I am likely to find): Kirchhof/Oesterley 1869 I.1.171
Schwarzbaum 1968: 61ff. 455
Tubach 1969 Nos. 80, 3286
Hansen 2002: 138-142
Krzyzanowski 1962f. II

beggar's plan - afanasyev
day dreaming - jacobs (europa)
daydreamer - afanasyev
don't count your chickens - bushnaq arabic
don't count your chickens - clouston, popular tales (bibliography?)
lad and the fox - booss, scandinavian
lazy heinz - grimm
lean lisa - grimm
milkmail and her pail - jacobs aesop (get more Aesop)

1430A: Foolish concerns for an unborn child; cf. 1450.
Lutoniushka - afanasyev
sievemaker and the ass - megas, folktales

ATU 1430 Air Castles
The Poor Man and the Flask of Oil (India, Bidpai).
The Story of the Devotee Who Spilt the Jar of Honey and Oil (India / Persia).
What Happened to the Ascetic When He Lost His Honey and Oil (Kalilah and Dimnah).
Sheik Chilli (India, Alice Elizabeth Dracott).
The Fakir and His Jar of Butter (1001 Nights).
Day-Dreaming (1001 Nights, retold by Joseph Jacobs).
The Milkmaid and Her Pail (Aesop).
Story of an Old Woman, Carrying Milk to Market in an Earthen Vessel (France, Jacques de Vitry).
What Happened to a Woman Called Truhana (Spain, Prince Don Juan Manuel).
The Dairywoman and the Pot of Milk (France, Jean de La Fontaine).
Lazy Heinz (Germany, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm).
Lean Lisa (Germany, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm).
Buttermilk Jack (England, Thomas Hughes).
The Lad and the Fox (Sweden, Gabriel Djurklou).
The Peasant and the Cucumbers (Russia, Leo Tolstoy).
The Milkmaid and Her Bucket (USA, Ambrose Bierce).
Link to The $30,000 Bequest (Mark Twain).

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