August 1. Story of the Day: The Little Red Hen

This version of the Little Red Hen's story comes from What They Say say in New England by Clifton Johnson. For more information about this well-known American folktale, see Wikipedia: The Little Red Hen.

I haven't yet found an ATU tale type, but the motif index reference is TMI Z41.11A The little red hen. My husband says he remembers reading this story in a children's book when he was little, but I don't think I had that book as a child.

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Once there was a little red hen found a grain of wheat in the barnyard, and she said, "Who will plant this wheat?"

"I won't," says the dog.

"I won't," says the cat.

"I won't,''' says the goose.

"I won't," says the turkey.

"I will, then," says the little red hen.

So she planted the grain of wheat.

After a while the wheat grew up and was ripe, "Who will reap this wheat?" says the little red hen.

"I won't," says the dog.

"I won't," says the cat.

"I won't," says the goose.

"I won't," says the turkey.

"I will, then," says the little red hen.

So she harvested the wheat.

"Who will thrash this wheat?" says the little red hen.

"I won't," says the dog.

"I won't," says the cat.

"I won't," says the goose.

"I won't," says the turkey.

"I will, then," says the little red hen.

So she thrashed the wheat.

"Who will take this wheat to mill to  have it ground?" says the little red hen.

"I won't," says the dog.

"I won't," says the cat.

"I won't," says the goose.

"I won't," says the turkey.

"I will, then," says the little red hen.

So she took the wheat to mill, and by and by she came back with the flour.

"Who will bake this flour?" says the little red hen.

"I won't," says the dog.

"I won't," says the cat.

"I won't," says the goose.

"I won't," says the turkey.

"I will, then," says the little red hen.

So she baked the flour, and made a loaf of bread.

"Who will eat this bread?" said the little red hen.

"I will," says the dog.

"I will," says the cat,

"I will," says the goose.

"I will," says the turkey.

"I will," says the little red hen, and she ate the loaf of bread all up.

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