TMI Z47.1 Series of trick exchanges by fox

Dracott. The Rabbit and the Barber

Z47.1 Series of trick exchanges: razor-pot-bride-drum by tricky fox. Fox sings formula of exchanges.

Devi, S. 55f.;  [Internet Archive]
Chatterji 67-72; Sen 22f.;  [not online?]
Bradley-Birt 188f. [Internet Archive]
Marathi: Dexter 70-76 No. 26. [not online]
Natesa Sastri Folklore 182ff;  [different page? Internet Archive]
Natesa Sastri Ind. Antiq. XVI 31f. No. 14 [at Hathi]
Tamil: Kingscote 188f. [at Gutenberg]

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